Buying Process

Buying Process for Real Estate in Turkey

The purchasing process in turkey is not that that different from any other European country, for this reason we have outlined here below some advises that should be followed.

It is important to appoint a trusted and knowledgeable local real estate agency that will guide you through the path to a risk-free ownership whenever you decide to buy in Alanya and or its surrounding areas.

With us , we guaranty that our employees are recognized for their professionalism, integrity transparency and wild knowledge of the market, in addition to that we can assure that the property you are acquiring is safe and secured moreover we will provide you with an estimation cost of all legal, tax and registration fees ..

We can represent you in the acquisition and resale process as well.

Finally our team is available and reachable six days a week.

For all your queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Purchasing a property in Turkey is not as difficult as some might think.

For some it can’t be time consuming and sometimes even frustrating.

We believe it is necessary to provide professional, legal, and financial advices before investing in the real estate, although the Turkish *property law is simple and straightforward, there are always cases of investors being unscrupulously misled by unethical sellers.

This is where we step in with our expertise and integrity to advise the buyer and accomplish the property acquisition.

*According to Article 35 of [Turkey’s] Property Act №2644 as amended by Article 19 of the Act № 4916 dated by 03.07.2003: «Foreign individuals and trading companies, forming a legal entity established abroad, and in accordance with the laws of their country, have the right to purchase real property located within the borders of the Turkish Republic».


Once the sales agreement is signed between both parties, it provides you, as buyer, with legal rights over the selected property and eliminate the possibility of selling it to another person.

A passport copy with 2 color photographs 3.5 x 4.5 cm are requested.

An application to the local Land Registry, or State Cadastral Administration, is made for the transfer and the acquisition of the original Title Deed of the property known locally under the term “TAPU”.

Notaries do not have the right to register the transaction of sale of properties in Turkey, his job is only to certify that the Title Deeds have been exchanged and understood by both parties. All properties sold to foreigners must be notarized by a government-authorized translator to ensure that you understood the documents that you are signing.

Only the person purchasing the property or his/her official appointed representative are allowed to sign the legal documents related to the real estate transaction.

The buyer or his/her authorized representative must be present in person to finalize and collect all required documents for the transfer of the title. To get the Title Deed of the property or TAPU your personal presence will be required.


Erta International offers a variety of payment options during the buying process for the convenience of the client.These options however, may depend on the specific request of the seller of the real estate property and also, on the development of the property. A property that is on the planning stage has different payment options compared to a property that is already ready for occupancy.

If you are undecided on what type of property to acquire, then you can consult our property experts for advice and have a look at our listings. We are confident that we will be able to find you the property you’re looking for. Once decided on a property, we can then provide you with all the legal services necessary for the transaction.


Erta International also works with members of its trusted network of independent financial advisers that you can contact should you have any questions, or seek advice regarding your options in purchasing property in Turkey. There will be no extra charge for our financial advise assistance. So, please do not hesitate to contact our office for further details and inquiries.

When it comes to real estate investing Turkey’s real estate market, being an emerging one, provides exciting opportunities to local and international investors, offering them unique investment potentials. Successive years of strong economic growth and foreign investment have resulted in increasing demand for real estate. Over 60,000 foreign national investors have bought themselves lifestyle retreats in Turkey over the last 5 few years. On the basis of the number of foreign nationals acquiring property, the situation is as follows: [via WP] Antalya (26,031 foreign nationals), Muğla (12,865 foreign nationals), İstanbul (8,830 foreign nationals), Aydın (7,415 foreign nationals), Bursa (5,241 foreign nationals), İzmir (4,145 foreign nationals). German nationals came the first in Antalya Province and British citizens in Muğla and Aydın Provinces. Purchases by Greek nationals displayed a striking preeminence in İstanbul and, in a more recent trend, in Bursa.

Although with the recent economic crisis and the global economic contraction the European and US real estate markets have been negatively affected, the real estate market in Turkey is still promising. While a deterioration in demand and a downward trend in house prices have been observed all over Europe, [via IIT] “according to TurkStat statistics the number of apartment units sold in Turkey in the second quarter of 2011 increased by 18 percent compared with the same period of 2010, which shows that the country has huge growth potential in the real estate sector.”

According to Bussinesweek, a weekly business magazine published by Bloomberg News, “property experts compare Turkey to the Spanish property market in the late 1970s.” Also, London-based Global Property Guide, a consultancy group, has reported Turkey with its booming economy and EU accession themes, “as one of the most attractive property markets in Europe, due to its economic growth and investment potential.”

Turkey is expected to become the fastest growing economy among the OECD members during 2011-2017 with an annual average real GDP growth rate of 6.7%. GDP growth in 2011: 8.5%.

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